My Morning Smoothie Bowl

I started making this smoothie years ago when I first got a Vitamix blender, and I change it up slightly depending on what ingredients I have on hand. The recipe below is my favorite version, but variations always turn out great!

1/4 cup vanilla almond milk (I like Malk if I can't make my own)
1 frozen banana (throw in an extra half if you like it sweeter)
A couple of frozen strawberries
1 heaping tablespoon of maca powder
1 teaspoon of probiotics (I use this one from Moon Juice)
1 packet of lypo-spheric vitamin C
2 BIG handfuls of spinach

I always top it with a sliced banana, raw almond butter, and cinnamon to keep me going all morning long.

Try it and let me know what you think! {LM}

Oil Pulling Essentials

Oil pulling is one of my favorite things to do in the morning. It might sound strange or complicated, but I promise you it's neither.

What is it? Oil pulling is simply swishing oil (coconut is the best because of it's anti-fungal properties) in the morning to rid your mouth--and body--of all the icky toxins that fester overnight. The fat from the oil binds to the bacteria, so when you spit it out, you are getting rid of all the bad. It's such a great way to start the day because it feels so detoxifying. 

How do you do it? I keep a jar of organic, cold-pressed coconut oil in my bathroom and the first thing I do in the morning is take a spoonful, let it melt in my mouth, and swish it around for 15-20 minutes and then spit it out in the garbage (it might cause problems in your sink).

15-20 MINUTES?! Yes! I promise the time flies. I usually write in my five-minute journal, boil water, write a note, or do almost anything else on my morning routine menu. 

What are the benefits? Besides the detoxed feeling, oil pulling actually makes your teeth whiter, your gums healthier, your breath better, and your body healthier (since your oral health is linked to your overall health)!

What are the essentials? I like a basic, high quality coconut oil, but there are so many more products coming out to make oil pulling more convenient like CoCoWhite and this amazing new formula Magic Mouth Oil Pull. Click the images for product info.

Try it out! {LM}


How I Start My Day

Mornings are my favorite part of each day. I love taking my time and making sure I'm doing things that set the tone for the rest of my day. I try to keep it calm, full of gratitude, and slow it down to enjoy the little things. 

I don't have a set morning routine. Every day feels different and I never want to feel like I'm getting through a list of to-dos. My friend Katie Dalebout told me that she keeps a menu of things that make her happy and depending on the day, the season, the mood, she'll pick any combination of things to kickstart her day. Here are a few things on my menu, starting with my absolute non-negotiables:

  1. Writing in my Five-Minute Journal. This is a must every. single. day. I love the beautiful design, the amazing entrepreneurs behind the brand, and the entire concept. It's brought incredible things into my life and makes every day happier and more intentional. I could write an entire book just about the Five-Minute Journal. Get one for yourself, give them to people you love--the whole world needs this.
  2. Boiling water to drink first with lemon, and then to pour-over coffee. I love grinding the beans in the morning. Making coffee in the Chemex takes much longer, but it's time well-spent.
  3. Taking my time to make and eat a really pretty breakfast (usually a green smoothie bowl or avocado toast)
  4. Foam rolling
  5. Journaling
  6. Yoga
  7. Oil pulling
  8. Walking around my neighborhood
  9. Writing a note to someone I love
  10. Reading a couple chapters of any book I'm currently into (right now it's Without Their Permission)
  11. Opening to any page of Miracles Now to set an intention for the day
  12. Calling a family member
