Chinese Cupping Therapy
I had been wanting to try Chinese cupping therapy since I saw Lauryn Evarts' snaps, grams, and blog about it. I'm a big fan of acupuncture and massage, but hadn't gotten around to trying cupping. I also wasn't sure I could find a good practitioner, having just moved from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City. But I very luckily stumbled upon the most incredible massage therapist who also practices cupping.
Cupping is an ancient treatment that touts some of the same benefits of acupuncture: decreased anxiety, pain relief, better circulation, etc. Some say it's like a reverse massage that sucks the toxins out of your body. The procedure typically leaves you with circular bruises for a week or two, depending on the level of toxicity.
After about 40 minutes of massage, we transitioned to cupping. I felt pressure and slight discomfort for sure, but absolutely no pain. When I settled into it, the suction actually felt amazing. She first placed a ton of cups all on my upper back and then moved them to my lower back. In a quick 15 minutes, she was already removing the cups.
It's now been two weeks, and my purple marks are completely gone and I can't wait for my next treatment. Try it out and let me know what you think! {LM}