How I Start My Day
Mornings are my favorite part of each day. I love taking my time and making sure I'm doing things that set the tone for the rest of my day. I try to keep it calm, full of gratitude, and slow it down to enjoy the little things.
I don't have a set morning routine. Every day feels different and I never want to feel like I'm getting through a list of to-dos. My friend Katie Dalebout told me that she keeps a menu of things that make her happy and depending on the day, the season, the mood, she'll pick any combination of things to kickstart her day. Here are a few things on my menu, starting with my absolute non-negotiables:
- Writing in my Five-Minute Journal. This is a must every. single. day. I love the beautiful design, the amazing entrepreneurs behind the brand, and the entire concept. It's brought incredible things into my life and makes every day happier and more intentional. I could write an entire book just about the Five-Minute Journal. Get one for yourself, give them to people you love--the whole world needs this.
- Boiling water to drink first with lemon, and then to pour-over coffee. I love grinding the beans in the morning. Making coffee in the Chemex takes much longer, but it's time well-spent.
- Taking my time to make and eat a really pretty breakfast (usually a green smoothie bowl or avocado toast)
- Foam rolling
- Journaling
- Yoga
- Oil pulling
- Walking around my neighborhood
- Writing a note to someone I love
- Reading a couple chapters of any book I'm currently into (right now it's Without Their Permission)
- Opening to any page of Miracles Now to set an intention for the day
- Calling a family member